Yes, the time has come to start the next chapter in our lives.

Janet & Dominic have stepped back and have retired, from organizing and delivering badminton

  • weekly training sessions,
  • camps, and
  • tournaments.

While we will continue to support badminton with ad hoc lessons, clinics and leadership development, we are looking forward to having some quiet time and flexibility to enjoy life, re-engage in hobbies, and travel, while we are still healthy.

THANK YOU for 30+ years of awesome badminton with Soong Badminton Academy.

We are eternally grateful for all of the friendships we have built over the years, will cherish them always, and hope that these friendships will continue going forward.

We would like to extend our most heartfelt thanks to:

  • each of our 200+ SBA coaches who have worked with us as NCCP trained and certified coaches over the years sharing their time and their talent delivering badminton training programs and tournaments,
  • the thousands of players who have trained with us during weekly training sessions, as members of competitive teams, camps, at university, school and after school programs, sharing your wonderful energy and enthusiasm, and
  • the parents and supporters who for over 30 years have helped us to build the sport of badminton in this region by promoting the sport, our SBA organization and assisted behind the scenes to ensure all activities, events and tournaments ran smoothly.

It has been an honour and a privilege to have played a part in the development of badminton across the region, and across the province/country. It has been an extraordinary journey for us, and one of which we will be eternally grateful to have shared with each of you.

Wishing each of you continued good success with badminton.

Continue the journey to build badminton, work together for the good of the sport, and remember:
"When we stop getting better, we stop being good" – Continue to invest in your personal leadership development so that you can give the sport the very best of you.

THANK YOU for sharing in our amazing badminton journey.

Janet & Dominic